RAM Sustainability has assigned its highest Sustainability Rating to Malaysia Steel Works (KL) Berhad (Masteel or the Group). The Platinum (P) rating awarded to Masteel indicates leadership in sustainability performance backed by extremely strong Environmental, Social and Governance fundamentals.
Platinum is RAM Sustainability’s newest Sustainability Rating category introduced to reflect the advancement of the sustainability standards and performance of companies. We now have four rating levels: – Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum – to be assigned for an overall Sustainability Rating and each of its three components – Environmental, Social and Governance. The Bronze, Silver or Gold levels will carry the subscripts 1, 2 or 3. Subscript 1 indicates that the company ranks at the higher end of its generic rating category, subscript 2 indicates a mid-ranking, and subscript 3 indicates that the company ranks at the lower end of its generic rating category.